CR James - Pirate Seduction Volume 5 PDF Download
How To Get Her Sexually Aroused Using Pirate Seduction
Title: Pirate Seduction (aka. 'Get Her Horny: Volume 5') Author: CR James Subject: Getting Women Turned On |
Hello my friend...
The Pirate Seduction report [Get Her Horny: Volume 5] is finally finished... I wanted it to be perfect... I'm going to keep this simple... Basically, it teaches UNIQUE ways to get women turned on without her realizing how it happened... (but there's a cool twist)It starts with my weird hobby.
- Some people collect stamps.
- Some people collect baseball cards.
- I collect real-life stories where guys have done some AMAZING things to get a woman turned on...<< Oh yeah.... and I also collect baseball cards. >>
Then what I like to do is 'figure out' the psychological components that explain WHY she got so incredibly horny...
Because.... (A) This allows me to share "those same components" as a step-by-step recipe... (B) Once it works for you, you'll want to make sure you do it again in the future (over and over again). Listen. I personally Learn More Seduction Secrets by analyzing these stories (in addition to the latest discoveries in brain science, cognitive behavior, mind conditioning/training, sexual health, and other stuff) THAN I do from bookstore books on relationship, sex, etc...)Plus, it allows me to share tricks that are UNIQUE (In other words, stuff you can't find anywhere else)
Besides, the world needs to become more "real"... if that makes any sense...
I hate being negative...I really do... but I get sick and tired of seeing 'so called' relationship experts teaching the same 'rehashed' cuddly garbage over and over and over again...We need to start getting MORE REAL...
That's why I (really do) collect stories of cases where a woman got flat out horny as hell. And I reverse engineer what happened in terms of it's psychological & emotions components... This allows me to share step by step blueprints of 'stuff' that actually works...This arms you with a more POWERFUL APPROACH...
(And yes, I said 'cuddly garbage')
Basically: These stories help me become a better "teacher/instructor" by connecting you (and my other readers) with what is real. (How things really work?)(How women really get horny?) And I don't hold anything back! And I definitely don't censor myself because some people are offended by the idea that there are systematic steps a guy can do to get women horny.***Remember: Any time a woman ended up becoming visibly horny (you can tell by her eyes) it was because the guy did a systematic process that lead to her becoming hyper sexual.
(...whether he was trying to or not)(...whether he realized it or not)...
It's not rocket science.
If you're a customer of mine, you know that I share everything. I don't hide my "Real Information" behind an overpriced seminar with rehashed material... I make it my goal to get you results. So I want to make that clear...You will have fun getting her turned on...
You have to break things down to its basics. Any time a woman sexually attacks a guy it's only because:- The guy triggered a certain sequence/combination of EMOTIONS & FEELINGS and...
- The guy triggered a certain sequence/combination of PERCEPTIONS & BELIEFS...
...whether he realized it or not... ...whether she realized it or not...
So that's why I love to collect these stories... They work at the core of what affects all women. I've said it before: The most powerful approach to becoming super skilled at getting women turned on is:- Knowing As Much As You Can About What Works On All Women PLUS....
- Knowing As Much As You Can About What Specifically Works For Your Woman
These techniques are based on what works for ALL WOMEN!
For example. I never called my wife a bitch before. But I have talked to a few guys who called their lovers "bitches" and it seems to be something that generates an unfavorable response in the female I have concluded that THIS is something that negatively affects ALL WOMEN...These techniques work the same way...
And I don't mean they'll result in you getting kicked in your balls. What I mean is they will affect her on a CORE LEVEL... In other words, you'll learn stuff that works on ALL WOMEN...(but in a good way) (In other words, she won't be KICKING your balls...) So it's important that you learn stuff that works on all women... Otherwise, you would just become a master at seducing "my wife" (or women who fit her profile)... So I repeat: These techniques are based on what works for ALL WOMEN! For example, you're going to read a story that I never shared before about a girl I met in college who told me something that made me fall out of my seat (not literally)...One day, she casually said to me:
Her: My ex-boyfriend turned me into a nympho... blah blah blah... |
Me: Wait a minute! Back up... Don't change the subject... HOW did he turn you into a nympho? What do you mean by 'you became a NYMPHO'? WHAT exactly did he do that was so different? |
- He wasn't using magic powers.
- He wasn't using voodoo.
- He was definitely exploiting a little-known fact about the human brain.
"Damn!! If that guy was actually aware of what he was doing to her......then he is PURE EVIL for turning that poor innocent girl into a Wide-Eyed Sex-Junkie!"
Actually, I didn't say it in those exact words (lol), but I did connect the lesson in the journal with the extremely clever thing he did to her... And I have to say, it gives me the chills thinking about it... I was curious (because I still don't know) if he realized what he was doing. In fact, I'm still curious (to this day)... She ended up telling me that it's been 4-5 years since she has been with him and she is still hyper-sexual... << You see, this is the kind of stories I like to collect... and analyze....I enjoy learning what happens in the 'real world'.. The stuff that is too raw for most books oand family talk shows... >>I'm not going to reveal anymore... You'll read about it... Don't be offended as you read it, because I'm telling you now, that I like to give the raw hard-truth because I think that's the BEST WAY to become effective (extremely fast)
But more importantly:I Will Teach You What He Did!
And you're probably not going to want to share this kind of stuff with your buddies. You will have the step-by-step blueprint. You better not ever let the woman you are using it on discover your copy of Pirate Seduction! ((When she told me what he did I have to admit, I was actually impressed...)) But it gets better...Put on your seat beat!!
Because I'll teach you how to take 'what he did so brilliantly' to a Super Advanced Level.(The MMA Black Belt Version) But that's just scratching the surface....
*** Side Note: It's important because I'm not impressed (at all) by studying/analyzing girls who were "born nymphos"... Some women are just born nymphos or something happened very early in their sexual development that resulted in them being that way... BUT..... ... when I hear about a "normal girl" becoming HYPER SEXUAL, then there's something "unique" and "cool" that can be discovered... I LOVE studying/analyzing women who went from being a regular normal girl (enjoying sex like the average girl) to "being flat out crack-addicted to love-making"...Because with these cases -- again -- you ALWAYS end up uncovering something new and powerful that you can't find anywhere else... |
- Because instead of gold, you will learn new secrets that explain why women (at times) experience short-term sexual addiction cycles.
- Because instead of diamonds, you will learn 'secrets' to getting women horny that you can use over and over again (even if you lived to be 412 years old)
- Because instead of pearls, you'll learn how to train her to become hyper-sexual (this is new stuff)*** Realize that we only currently know 1% of the possible ways to get a woman aroused. So in the year 2013 or 2017 a bunch of people will have discovered new ways that we don't know about yet.That's the fun part!!!
You need to be on an ongoing quest
for two types of secrets:
Type-1 Secret: Learning new ways to analyze the times when she was hyper-sexual in the past. You want to constantly get better at understanding HOW she got extremely aroused in the past... Type-2 Secret: Learning new ways of getting women (in general) aroused. This is the stuff that works for most women (99%) and learning new concepts that assist you in getting women aroused. |
Technique #1: Thought Reversing It's basically something that I noticed when a guy's girlfriend did something sexually fun towards him because of something that randomly happened. Not only did he learn that 'all sexual explosions' have a source, but this guy became better at 'figuring out' how to find the source.Specifically, this technique is great because any guy can duplicate what he did to get the same affect. All you have to do is spend less than $10 on 'something' to get started. This 'something' has a way of reversing her thoughts so that she temporarily thinks about things in a new way. And it's the temporary new way of thinking that leads to the URGE to have sex (not just because you purchased the 'thing').. Getting women turned on isn't magic. Getting women turned on isn't voodoo. Again, it goes back to knowing: How to trigger a certain sequence/combination of EMOTIONS & FEELINGS How to trigger a certain sequence/combination of PERCEPTIONS & BELIEFS...You: Cool, CR. I can't wait to learn about this!! Average Joe: I can't find my creamers!! Technique #2: The Poor Nympho Girl We just talked about this... You'll learn the step by step instructions about what a guy did to turn the 'girl from college' into her into a nympho. For the most part, he did 3 things. Again, I think the guy is pure evil so I strongly suggest that you use this responsibly.It's called the 'the poor nympho girl' technique - not because she didn't have any money, but because she innocently had no intellectual defense against this guy's brain tactics.... When used responsibly, it could greatly enhance your sex life. It could keep a loving family together forever. When it's misused, it's "psychological strong-arming" times one hundred because 99.5% of women wouldn't even realize that they're being trained to become hyper-sexual. And I would never realized how evil and powerful this was, if it wasn't for a journal I read earlier this year! (that taught me something new about the human brain) I'm going to share it with you. All of it. You: Cool, CR. I can't wait to learn about this!! Average Joe: [Spills coffee on his shirt.]Technique #3: Intense Sexual Mind Scrambling This technique was inspired by looking at all the feedback that I have received over the years and trying to identify what 'concept' was getting the most 'props'...It was like a 3 way tie... So I took one of those concepts and pretty much made it more powerful. So Intense Sexual Mind Scrambling is like the cooler "big brother" version of one of my most successful seduction concepts (in terms of what has been reported back to me)... I took a very logical approach... If the 'snot-nose little brother' version was so damn successful, then the "cooler big brother (with bigger muscles, more expensive sun glasses, wearing $800 flip flops) should end up being even more successful. In non-metaphorical terms: I added a few additional psychological principles in order to allow the "user" to leverage her emotionally driver more efficiently... In other words, all urges (especially sexual urges) have a corresponding emotional driver.Technique #4: The Accidental ???? I call it that because this is something most guys do brilliantly to get women turned on - except they're not aware of what they're doing. He doesn't know how it happened. She doesn't know how it happened. The only thing they are aware of is they both have a strong urge to have sex the other night and then that's the end of it... They wake up the next morning. They brush their teeth. They eat breakfast... Meanwhile, a brilliantly masterful & artful seduction technique took place (the previous night) and no is talking about it... (( sigh )) This technique is responsible for boatloads of "accidental seductions" each and every year. And yes, you've probably done it before... You: Cool, CR. I can't wait to learn about this!! Average Joe: [At work: looking in the mirror clipping his nose hairs with a pair of over-sized scissors] Technique #5: "Oh Baby...Please Don't Stop!" I had to change the original name because I think it hinted too much about the technique. This new name ("Oh Baby...Please Don't Stop!") is the analogy that was used to explain what the technique is all about... Basically there's something "interesting" that happens when a girl is seconds away from having an orgasm... And if you understand this, it will help you see why this technique works to get her to crave yummy sex in a way that she'll never undertsand - every single time. This is another technique that is the evolved version of an originally successful concept. Basically, there are two elementary ways to build sexual tension that every guy has done at least once... (1) ????? and (2) ????? If you can do those two things (which is dumb simple to do) you are literally forced to get results by it because of the psychological impact. If that sounds too bold, you have to remember that there is no magic involved. Basically: Techniques don't get women horny. It's the psychological & emotional impact of the technique that creates massive amounts of sexual tension [i.e. Pre-converted Horniness] Then from there, she's driven to have sex in an attempt to release the tension.You: Cool, CR. I can't wait to learn about this!! Average Joe: Hey guys. Where do they keep the Band-Aids?!!! Technique #6: ????? No hints for this one. Technique #7: ????? No hints for this one either... |
Pirate Seduction: Uncensored 7 Ways To Get Her Horny (Using Lessons From Real Life Stories)
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