Friday, October 29, 2021

The LayGuide - The BIBLE of Seduction

The LayGuide - The BIBLE of Seduction Download

The LayGuide The NEWEST & UPDATED Version


This is what Neil Strauss says in his book "The Game":

"I was happy with myself and my life. That is until an innocent phone call from my book editor, who had stumbled across a document on the Internet called the LayGuide. Compressed into 150 sizzling pages was the collected wisdom of dozens of pickup artists who have been exchanging their knowledge in newsgroups for nearly a decade, secretly working to turn the art of seduction into an exact science. The moment I started reading, my life changed. More than any other book or document - be it the Bible, Crime and Punishment, or the Joy of Cooking - the LayGuide opened my eyes!" Has any of this ever been TRUE for you??? Click on the "YES" links to find out how LayGuide will address each question.
  • Do you want to be able to date more attractive women or younger girls? Yes!
  • Do you want to be able to successfully approach stunning girls everywhere? Yes!
  • Do you want to know how to finally get that special girl you've been dreaming about for years? Yes!
  • Have you ever just wanted to have sex with a hot woman, no courting, no dating and no waiting? Yes!
  • Have you ever been embarrassed about needing to ask for help in the area of dating and women? Yes.
  • Have you ever had a question about girls, women, dating or seduction that you couldn't get answered? Yes.
  • Do you sometimes feel like you have no idea whether a woman likes you or not? Yes.
  • Do you feel confused about the countless dating books and sites and don't know what to trust? Yes!
  • Do you feel envious about some of your friends (or even strangers), who seem to have all the luck with women, while you have little or none? Yes.
  • Have you ever felt like there's a right woman out there for you but you can't seem to find her? Yes!
  • Have you ever felt like you'll never be successful with women and should just accept that? Yes.
  • Have you ever felt remorse about some of your more expensive dates, that ultimately got absolutely nowhere? Yes.
  • Do you sometimes feel like you have no idea what's going on in a woman's head? Yes.
  • Do you sometimes become self-conscious, nervous and stuttering around attractive women? Yes.
  • Do you get nervous when you're about to ask a woman's phone number, ask her out or kiss her? Yes.
  • Have you ever been confused by a woman's conflicting and contradictory behaviour? Yes.
  • Have you ever tried to hide your drives and desires from a woman in fear of ridicule? Yes.
  • Have you ever felt like you have to know everything aboud dating and women before even approaching an attractive woman? Yes.
  • Do you sometimes feel insecure because you're not tall, rich, famous or handsome? Yes.
  • Do you sometimes feel like women have all the power and choice and you have none? Yes!
  • Do you sometimes doubt yourself and wonder, why a really attractive woman would ever be interested in you instead of some famous actor, athlete, male model or businessman? Yes.
  • Have you ever felt like your approach will have to be perfect in order to be successful, and if it's not, you'll lose everything and the world will come crashing down (so usually you don't even try)? Yes.
  • Have you ever become immobilized and nervous when you see a woman you'd like to meet and by the time you figure out a good thing to say, she's gone? Yes.
  • Are you puzzled why the women you're attracted to never seem to like you back? Yes!
  • Are you confused why the only women that seem interested in you are the ones you'd rather not date? Yes!
  • Or are you a successful ladies man looking to improve your techniques and approaches even further? Yes!
Read here how LayGuide will address each of these questions! If you answered "YES" to even a single question, LayGuide is the solution you want!!! Subscribe here - and all your problems will finally be solved! Still not convinced? Then read some of the THOUSANDS of user comments LayGuide has received: (and click here to verify that these comments are REAL, from REAL people and from REAL e-mails!)
  • "This is by far the best guide ever!"
  • "I've read hundreds of dating books and guides on the net but this is by FAR the BEST!"
  • "There are hundreds of websites and books, but THIS IS IT!"
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  • "I was actually a 28-year-old virgin - and now I've had sex 4 times in 2 weeks, thanks to your advice!!! =)"
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  • "Everything you wrote is 100% true and I wish I would have known this 4 years ago when I first started dating!"
  • "I'm 17 years old and thank God I found it at such a young age."
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  • "I wish I'd had this guide 20 years ago!"
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These quotes are from REAL e-mails by REAL people - you can verify here! When you join LayGuide, you will REAP UNBELIEVABLE REWARDS!
All the secrets in this GUIDE WORK for all types of MEN! Doesn't matter if you're a college student, lawyer, construction worker, waiter, doctor, a man outside of America, an average Joe, or EVEN UNEMPLOYED!!! THIS Works for EVERYONE!
So HURRY UP and JOIN NOW! It will EMPOWER your life FOREVER! HURRY and TAKE ACTION! "The SECRETS you must have in order to master seduction are ALL in this powerful GUIDE! So stop wasting your time and INVEST your money into this BIBLE of SEDUCTION" Here's just a PREVIEW of what you will GET Get ready to MASTER the art of seduction and attraction! (Click on the blue links to read sample chapters) Before you begin: Introduction - forget money, forget fame, just cut to the chase and get the girls! Baby steps to success - master the details and master the stages to master everything General rules: (Crucial Rules for the beginning seduction artist) The devil in the "1 - 10" ratings system - don't get suckered into rating women in your mind The 3 seconds rule - the most important rule you'll ever learn, say bye-bye to hesitation. The outcome really doesn't matter - read why indifference is such a winning attitude. Look and feel your best - all the time! Be the Alpha/Dominant male - be in charge of your surroundings. Including the girls:) Do my looks matter? - yes they do, but not nearly as much as you think. Nice guys vs jerks - the key difference between the two explained. Good traits to have - or develop, to be successful with women. Good mindsets to have - to supercharge your interactions with women. How to walk, move and talk - and let your mere presence do the talking. Women want good sex - so make sure you do her right:) Should you express or contain your sexual desires? - a moot point, read why. Wanna play the dating game? - ... um... let's see now... The rules with your wingman - make sure you agree on the rules. Get yourself a mentor - or better yet, get three! Getting started: (BASIC TOOLS that will GUIDE you in the beginning!!!) On confidence - and getting started with approaching girls. Plan your success - because behind every success, there's a plan. Experiment! - don't think twice, don't look back, just have fun! Casual meetings vs pick-ups - the pros and cons. Create and maintain eye contact - use the ultimate aphrodisiac to show confidence, create attraction and confirm interest. At a party - a mild alternative to the 3s rule. Just say "Hi" - then continue with one of the two tactics described in the article. Talk to girls - everywhere! Friendly pretty-girls vs unfriendly ugly-girls - and swamped average-girls; who should you talk to? Make your goal to make a woman smile - and the rest will follow naturally Level the playing field - disarm her most poweful weapons while becoming instantly attractive. How to initiate a conversation - here's your back-up, in case your primary parashoot doesn't open. Talking to her = echoing her - a stripped down version of Trance words and Eliciting values. Fluff talk - the essential skill of talking about nothing, and how to evolve from that. The "don't"s of fluff talk - what to avoid. How to ask a woman absolutely any question - and how to get away with it (Not) Answering her questions - to confuse the hell out of her and make her intrigued. How to be funny - to make the women laugh (and to shut up the boring people). Reading body language - its like reading people's thoughts, it'll blow you away:) Mirroring - the Jedi mind tricks of body-language explained. Kinaesthetics - make touching the girls your second nature, even (and especially!:) if you just met them, they'll love it:) Approaching and making them interested: (YOU won't BELIEVE HOW EASY THIS IS!!!) Where to meet girls - the most popular places for a pick-up. If she seems unapproachable - then maybe everyone thinks so... and she's all alone. General guidelines on approaching - a few pointers and examples to get you started. Demonstrate value and personality - the basic premise of seduction. The importance of a first impression - or relative unimportance, depending on your attitude. Getting introduced, shaking hands and hugging - how to get a woman intrigued within seconds of meeting her. How to get a girl to chase you - even if she’s not interested in you at all Pace and lead - and demonstrate understanding to increase rapport. Approaches: (Absolutely ASTONISHING approaches REVEALED!!!)
  • Simple approaches - examples of various conversational approaches.
  • The cold approach - not a good approach, unless you combine this with the GM style.
  • The collision approach - either let her walk by... or "bump" into her:)
  • The available chair approach - that empty chair next to a HB looks inviting...:)
  • The "Napkin Tic-Tac-Toe" approach - to meet her wherever she happens to sit in a restaurant or cafe.
  • The crappy sketch-artist approach - because women like artists right?:)
  • The dramatic approach - catch everyone's attention... including her's:)
  • The cellular approach - to choose any topic of discussion.
  • The "You know what they say about women who...?" approach - to have her want something from you instantly.
  • The familiar approach - act like you already know her, or fool her into thinking she knows you:)
  • The 'Let's get married" approach - have relationship, marry, divorce, end relationship, all within 30 seconds!
  • Pez opener - a really "sweet" opener by Mystery:)
  • You look stunning approach - careful though, not intended for use with the 9s and 10s:)
  • Pacing the ongoing reality - a simple way to get instant rapport.
  • Should I buy her a drink? - read why you'd better avoid it.
  • Should I ask for her name? - so you'd know what name to yell when sleeping with your hand?:)
  • Leech off someone else's crash and burn - anything is fair in love and war:)
  • If she is working - a waitress, a nurse, a girl at the cashier - this one is universal.
  • If you just have to use a pick-up line - they suck, unless you show you know they suck.
  • "I like..." game as an opener - you can use this one anywhere.
  • Mr Smooth technique - the game-show host style technique of a Japanese PUA, step by step.
  • The questions game - a shortcut to sex-talk and kissing.
  • Act out a classic male role - become a cowboy, biker or pilot; and get all the babes that come with the territory:)
Gimmicks - palm-reading: (To make YOU seem INCREDIBLY INTERESTING TO THE GIRLS!!!)
  • Use a gimmick to get going - handwriting analysis, tarot cards, palmistry - "crap" you say?:)
  • Palm-reading - why should you use it?
  • Reading the lines in general - a do-it-yourself guide to becoming a gypsy:)
  • Reading the line of Fate - yes please:)
  • Reading her love-life - uuuhh... sounds interesting:)
  • Reading the line of Heart - good, good:)
  • Reading the mount of Venus - oh no... where is that?!:)
  • A sample reading routine - a few examples to give you the general idea.
  • Hand massage - your way to her... head? heart? pants?
Nightclubs and dancing: (TELLS YOU WHAT TO DO AND WHAT NOT TO DO in the NIGHTCLUBS!!!)
  • Night-clubs - for and against clubbing and a few general suggestions.
  • How to switch to the right mindset - set yourself apart from "death row".
  • Asking for a dance - just honour the traditions. If you want to get nowhere:).
  • About dancing - unless you have the skills of a back-up dancer, don't waste your energy.
  • Slow dancing - an exception to the "don't waste your energy rule" above:)
  • Fast dance to slow dance - a super-technique of transitioning to a slow-dance no matter what:)
  • After the dance - now that you've got her, don't let her slip away.
Group tactics: (Unbelievably interesting strategies REVEALED!!!)
  • If she is with a friend - or even worse, a group of friends? How do you approach?
  • Approaching a group of many girls - a simpler strategy for approaching groups.
  • The "Give me your opinion" opener - to instantly engage in a conversatin with any number of women
  • How to isolate the girl from the group - a crucial step towards privacy and intimacy
  • How to have her leave the group - a passive strategy... but still pretty good:)
Neghits: (How to Make the HOTTEST GIRLS DROOL FOR YOU!!!)
  • Neghits explained - Mystery shows you what gets you the attention of the most beautiful girls.
  • Neghits expansion pack - some additional advice on using neghits and a few examples.
  • Become to super babe - turn the tables and disarm the babes in an instant.
  • The Point System - an excellent strategy of subtle hints to keep women on their toes.
  • Tease her to please her - tease her physically, verbally and challenge her to anything to amplify the attraction
Eliciting values: (HOW to CONNECT With ANY WOMAN!!! Or make them think you have connected with them!!!)
  • Eliciting values explained - become the man of her dreams, just by talking to her:)
  • Trance words explained - say it in her own words (also relates to Patterning).
  • Calibrate the girl - and you can read her like an open book.
  • Eliciting values - introducing the questions - how to ask the questions without sounding obtrusive.
  • Eliciting values - the questions - so what questions should you ask?
  • Eliciting values - the answers - now that you know her values, it is time to talk about "yourself":)
  • The perfect relationship - a simple value-eliciting scheme.
GM style: (SPECTACULAR STRATEGIES You would thank GOD for finding out!!!)
  • GM style explained - I bet you won't believe that this actually works:) Well, it does:)
  • GM style lines - completely outrageous!:)
  • GM style expansion pack - a continuation of the GM style, links to appropriate articles.
  • GM style: sex-related urban legends - a quick way to get women to laugh and think about sex
Sexual talk: (Yes...SEXUAL TALK...YOU will find out HOW TO DO IT!!!)
  • Talking about sex - a few words of warning.
  • Use sexual stories to get her horny - can you get away with it? Or, can she get away:)
  • The Ideal Guy routine - no matter her interest for you, use this to get her horny (and be around when that happens:).
Patterning: (The basics of HYPNOTIC SEDUCTION to use on the LADIES!!!)
  • Patterning explained - the essence of Ross Jeffries' Speed Seduction.
  • Delivering patterns - general rules - the most important aspects.
  • Delivering patterns - tonality - the right way to do it.
Additional patterning skills: (EVEN MORE!!!)
  • Trance words explained - say it in her own words (also relates to Eliciting values).
  • Anchoring explained - the Pavlov's reflex of seduction:)
  • Quoting and stacking realities - you can get away with ANYTHING using this.
  • Time distortion - how to make a girl you just met feel like you've been friends forever:)
  • Bullshit fantasies - a powerful application of time distortion (relates to Time distortion).
  • Thought binding - an excellent article by Ross Jeffries.
  • Submodalities - an explanation plus an exercise in removing hesitation.
  • Read romance novels to enrich your patterning language - the cause justifies the means:)
  • Common misconceptions and problems with patterning - and how to overcome them.
  • Introducing patterns into a discussion - without sounding unnatural. Also how to approach.
  • Discovery Channel - "the ride goes up and down and once you get off, you want to come again":)
  • Stone Necklace pattern - tell her a breathless/speechless-making story:)
  • The Trust pattern - alleviate her most common fears.
  • The Rose patterns - and she'll be obsessed with you:) 3 patterns.
  • Believing the Supernatural - "destinies", "higher beings", "chi energies"; they eat it up:)
  • Passion to Passion pattern - shift her passion from "something" to "someone".
  • Mental Screen pattern - "close eyes, imagine great feelings, open eyes, see... me?:)"
  • Peak Experience pattern - exchange peak experiences with her.
  • Natural Woman pattern - show her you know the secret and natural side of her.
  • Meeting the Perfect Man pattern - and she'll feel what its like... in your presence:)
  • Feeling Drawn patterns - descriptions of initial attraction plus examples of using vague language.
  • Incredible Connection patterns - the classic and its various derivatives. 12 patterns.
  • Falling in Love patterns - make her feel the feeling of falling in love:) 7 patterns.
  • The Dream pattern - help a girl have dreams about you.
  • Being Similar pattern - and she'll feel what you feel (a growing boner?:).
  • "Too bad we don't. but if we could." - you can describe almost any state you want to her:)
  • Find Your Desire pattern - and turn good girls into "naughty":).
  • Sex is Natural pattern - you're adults, you can talk intelligently about sex... right:)?
  • "The more... the more.." pattern - a simple yet powerful application of thought binding.
  • Reading the Poem pattern - transition from patterning to reciting poetry.
  • The Eyes patterns - what better topic to talk about than her eyes. 2 patterns.
  • I Want You pattern - transition from patterning to kissing:)
  • At Least We Can Be Friends pattern - LJBF her into tearing your clothes off on the spot:)
  • Indifference to Attraction patterns - convert her from friend to lover:) 3 patterns.
  • Find That Girl pattern - reinstate her faith in men.
  • Blow Job patterns - these are supposed to make her want to... well, you figure it out:) 2 patterns.
  • Backdoor Pleasure patterns - the funniest patterns ever:) Read and you'll know why:) 3 patterns.
  • The Void pattern - the contrast of feeling empty versus feeling happy and fulfilled..
  • The Door pattern - a pattern so evil, that even Ross Jeffries has denounced this one.
  • "What's your favourite movie line? Well here's mine..." patterns - to sneak in absolutely anything. 8 patterns
  • Presuppositions and other "mind-tricks" - don't leave her any choice:)
Online and phone seduction: (SEDUCTION WORKS ANYWHERE!!!)
  • Become your own "friend" - to put in a good word with her:)
  • Discriminate, discriminate, discriminate - the counterintuitive rule of thumb of online personals
  • Posting the perfect picture - there's hope even if you look like Quasimodo
  • Posting the perfect profile - stand out from the crowd and come away with the best women
  • The problem with online pickups - how to turn blindfolded crapshoots into Jedi-like powers
  • E-mail strategies - to challenge a reply out of her if needed
  • A crash course in online chatting - openers, pointers and keeping your eye on the ball
  • A crash course in phone chatting - how to move through this quickly to set up the perfect meeting
  • A crash course in text messaging - how to keep the fire burning in her pocket (and in her pants)
  • Patterning over the phone - sounds lucrative... but is it worth it?
  • Nickname tease - isn't a woman's curiosity a wonderful thing:)?
Now that she's interested: (USING SCIENTIFIC PSYCHOLOGY!!!) Common signs of interest - to know you're "in":) Building a bridge AFC-style - if you can't do anything, do it at least the AFC way:) If more than one girl is interested in you - don't choose, you might loose:) Reading the signs of a "committed" woman - understand her seemingly contradictory signs. Capitalise - there's a girl that has started liking you quite on her own!? Now act quickly! Making a timely exit - instead on lingering on forever, leave her hungry for more. Closing - how to get a girl to give you her phone number and e-mail address Asking for a... date? - now that you have her number... what next? Get-together strategies - the „no-no’s” and the „do-do’s”. Go on minidates - to get from dating to making love in a matter of hours. How to proceed to kissing - this will separate the boys from the men. Proceeding instead of closing - for why would you want to "close" if things are going smooth? Our World routine - constructing a world for her in which she will feel free to make love to you:) Inviting the girl over to your place - to "check out a book or something...":) If she has second-thoughts - she wants it but can't quite make up her mind, "help" her:) Gain the ultimate trust - and the woman will surrender her body to you almost instantly. My home is my love-nest - make sure you can be confident about the quality of your retreat. Networking and pivots - if you're not quite interested any more or she's not quite interested yet. Handling the girls: (To Make you Look like the ALPHA MALE!!!) Be busy - attract girls by being "busy". Suggest competition - keep her on her toes. Put a price on yourself - the more you "cost", the more value she attributes to you. Broadcast your high standards - and she won't even have a chance NOT to choose you. Show a willingness to walk away - don't let her take you for granted. Use her friends - by realising, that "friendship" also means "rivalry". Judge her by her actions, not by her words - or rather, let her actions speak the words. Have and reveal secrets - provide a constant thrill for the woman. Use poetry - women are about feelings; poems are about feelings - and mixing the two gets KABOOM! If she compliments you - make her feel good for having done that:) Act like its special - and what you have can not be found anywhere else. Paying her a compliment - an AFC trap, unless you do it right. Cook for her and "date" at home - main dish will be less expensive and the "dessert" more convenient:) When should you call a woman after having sex with her? - don't blow it, she'll be very sensitive. How to make a girl you've made love to also fall in love with you - if that's your goal, this'll do the trick. Romantic gifts and things to do - but use these to reward, not to bribe. How to prevent a woman from becoming your girlfriend - and still keep all the fun you're having together. Managing many relationships at once - best policy is (tailored:) honesty. Troubleshooting: (MORE SUPER TIPS REVEALED!!!) If she calls you a loser or an idiot - how to turn the tables and make her feel embarrassed. If she asks for YOUR number instead - don't fall for this (relates to Closing). If she still refuses to give you her number - a strategy of covert persistence. If she says "Why do you ask?" - read how to recover (relates to Patterning and Eliciting values). If she asks "Are you trying to seduce me?" - you need to know how to answer. "Have you ever...?" gets busted - what do you do, if she says "No" in response (relates to Patterning). Ejecting - you don't always have to close. Know when to cut your losses. If she cancels a date - she screwed you (and not the way you hoped she would:). Now what? If she doesn't return your phonecall/e-mails - a zero-tolerance policy. If she shows disrespect for you - you dump her, aka The Returning Fox Theory. The age difference problem - you shouldn't anticipate it, but its good to be prepared. Nothing works with the girl - and you tried all your techniques. But there's an ace up your sleeve:) If she says "Let's just be friends" - looks like you're in trouble, read how to recover. Dealing with rejection - why you should never get rejected and how to cope with it, if you do. But I really want this girl! - read why this is such a self-defeating attitude. The boyfriend problem
  • If she says she has a boyfriend - never prompt for it, but if she says it anyway, don't just bail yet.
  • Alienating the boyfriend in her mind - from "Sweep women off their feet". Sayanora borefriends!
  • Boyfriend-smashing techniques - by NYC. Adios borefriends!
  • Boyfriend destroyer patterns - Hasta la vista borefriends! 6 patterns.
Miscellaneous: (EVEN MORE!!!) Fun and games - you'll love these:) "The kissing bet", "Osama", "A-Hole + truth or dare". Bad jokes - careful:) "Pants in the air", "Telepathic watch", "Spermogram", "Doctor's appointment". A game of Crash and Burn - a great experience (and confidence?:) builder. More things to do for fun - useless, but fun:) Top colognes - for getting the girls, of course. Miscellaneous suggestions and observations about seduction - a recap. Articles: (FUN AND Interesting ARTICLES!!!) Article in Rolling Stone - a tour of modern seduction literature, NLP and Speed Seduction. The Iranian from hell - do your looks matter? Read this report by Maniac High and decide for yourself:) The pivot theory - NYC explains the benefits of making girls your pivots. Ross comments on - his one-page website / personals ad full of NLP and SS. Falling in love vs being a player - in case you have any feelings of guilt. A female seducer turning straight girls into bi and lesbian - all bi girls, this one's for you:) Advice on Attracting Younger Women - if you want to offer the "older man experience" - then this one's for you:) Article in Playboy - the Harvard-educated journalist experiences a paradigm shift. Job Interview patterns - a different perspective on NLP and patterning. 2 patterns. Field reports: (Watch the masters themselves IN ACTION!!!) The rich and famous setup - but even more accurately the "tired of female attention" setup:) The effectiveness of persistence with a smile - true seduction - choose and seduce:) Svengali's street pick-up - a classic street pick-up using humour, romance, sex-talk and kino. Svengali's friend's street pick-up - a "neg" of sorts gets the ball rolling:) The original Mr Smooth posts - Maniac High describes the technique of a Japanese PUA. NightShadow's IRC seduction - an example of an image to create good feelings. David Shade's online seduction - this guy is really good:) A log of him and a married woman. David Shade's real-life seduction - and he's not just a computer geek cowering behind his keyboard:) Maniac High's report, NYC's comments - important points being discussed. The Orgasmotron - Alex Akselrod plants a post-hypnotic suggestion.  

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