Captain Jack Collection Download
Captain Jack - Mystery Method eClass Lesson 1 Captain Jack - Mystery Method eClass Lesson 2 Captain Jack - Mystery Method eClass Lesson 3 Captain Jack - Mystery Method eClass Lesson 4 Captain Jack - Mystery Method eClass Lesson 5 Captain Jack - Mystery Method eClass Lesson 6 Captain Jack - Warrior King Society Captain Jack - Sexual Framing Master Captain Jack - Sexual Framing Master key points Captain Jack - Create Your Own Bullshit (Teaches You To Create Your Own Myth) Captain Jack - Sticking point analysis (Theory about how to get better in game, you could say 'meta game') Captain Jack - Power Opening Teleseminar Captain Jack - Summer of Game!
There are ways to 2x, 3x and even 5x the amount of beautiful women flowing into your life. There are ways to get WOMEN to bring you other hot, available women.Imagine how EASY things would be if the girl had already heard amazing things about you.... how hard would you have to "try"? There are ways to create smooth conversations that get women intensely interested in you romantically... without resorting to silly or devious and unethical tactics. I can teach you all of them. In fact, I can teach you everything I know so you can truly dominate this area of your life. With this technology there really is NO REASON you shouldn't easily and enjoyably have total power and choice in the area of women. It's really silly to struggle around, flop around, scour the internet for some "secret" tip or trick or magic statement that will handle this for you... when you can easily, methodically and enjoyably get it done. I've taught hundreds - including many who went on to become top dating experts. You'll find a lot of my information has made it into the standard dating advice "curriculum" although the fundamentals are missing and,not believing how simple and easy it can be, they've altered it and made it unnecessarily complex. Here's the deal... Each week, for the next 6 weeks, I am going to release the theory and related exercises via audio and some video (where that makes sense). Each of these modules will work on a facet of YOU so that you can easily and naturally do this... instead of working hard at it. Then, after you've had a few days to practice it, I'm going to do a Q&A call so you can get things ironed out before moving on to the next module. This will be intense work on Inner Game, Outer Game and Lifestyle.We'll go deep into how to really bond with women, to speak their real language and set things up so you can KEEP her if you want to make her your girlfriend for the long-term. All of this can be fun, enjoyable and awesome! I will not sell any of these modules individually. I MIGHT sell it to the public after it is all done. However, the way to get the most out of the program is to be involved with it to begin with... to ask and get answers... to follow the flow of the program and get feedback as you are implementing the concepts.
Captain Jack - Game Dynamics Mastery
The following exercises will remove blocks preventing you from succeeding. The mind is literal. If you have made any conclusions regarding something and you have also identified with that something then the mind applies the conclusion to you as well. For example, if you say, “I don’t want MEN to succeed with women” and you are a man you have just blunted much of your ability to succeed with women. Here’s another example, “Short guys don’t have success with women.” – And, if you consider yourself short, or even SHORTER than others, you’ve just subtracted your success because it at least PARTIALLY applies to you. A final example: “I don’t want French Guys to be successful with the type of women I want.” – Now, you may not be French, but you ARE a guy, so the decision partially affects you. We need to clear all of this out. Process: Clearing of other males as blocks to personal success… (Admiration means, a feeling of wonder, pleasure or approval – or, the act of looking on or contemplating with pleasure). Think of a time when you were jealous of a male friend’s success with a woman. Now, change that feeling to admiration. Keep executing those questions until you can answer this question truthfully and with 100% certainty, “Did you change the feeling to complete admiration?” Think of a time when you attributed a male friend’s success with a woman to an attribute you feel you do not (or did not) have. Now, change that feeling to admiration. Keep executing those questions until you can answer this question truthfully and with 100% certainty, “Did you change the feeling to complete admiration?” Think of a time when you were jealous of an enemy’s success with a woman. Now, change that feeling to admiration. Keep executing those questions until you can answer this question truthfully and with 100% certainty, “Did you change the feeling to complete admiration?” Think of a time when you attributed an enemy’s success with a woman to an attribute you feel you do not (or did not) have. Now, change that feeling to admiration. Keep executing those questions until you can answer this question truthfully and with 100% certainty, “Did you change the feeling to complete admiration?” Think of a time when you were jealous of a random male’s success with a woman. Now, change that feeling to admiration. Keep executing those questions until you can answer this question truthfully and with 100% certainty, “Did you change the feeling to complete admiration?” Think of a time when you attributed a random male’s success with a woman to an attribute you do not posses. Now, change that feeling to admiration. Keep executing those questions until you can answer this question truthfully and with 100% certainty, “Did you change the feeling to complete admiration?” Think of a time when you were jealous of a male of another race’s success with a woman. Now, change that feeling to admiration. Keep executing those questions until you can answer this question truthfully and with 100% certainty, “Did you change the feeling to complete admiration?” Think of a time when you attributed a male of another race’s success with a woman to an attribute you do not posses. Now, change that feeling to admiration. Keep executing those questions until you can answer this question truthfully and with 100% certainty, “Did you change the feeling to complete admiration?” Now, do all those until you can honestly answer you can admire any possible scene of another male with a woman you desire! This is NOT a small thing. It is HUGE and it will actually remove your own blocks in your mind because the mind IS literal!Captain Jack - The Taboo
There will always be pain and rejection, and anyone who tells you different is a goddamn lying sleazy salesman. We are not here to lie to you. Me, Hristiyan, and the whole team want you to be happy. For real.
This is the truth: * You will never be bulletproof * You will always face fear and you will always face pain * You will never be perfect * But you can live your life with courage, honor, and total joy... NOW This class will take you there.Most men can't handle this. That's why it's taboo. It's out of reach. But for one night only, it can all be yours.Captain Jack - Celebrate The Feminine
Hristiryan - Celebrate the Feminine You’ve spent your whole life wondering just what the hell women really want, and what it takes to get them to want to be with you. Hristiyan has been on a mission to discover those secrets his whole life, and like Indiana Jones returning back from an adventure with treasures, he’s back again to show you exactly what it takes to see the best in every woman and make her see you as the man of her dreams. He’s building on his amazing classes on Getting Out of Your Head and the Foreplay series, and going deeper than ever to show you how to Celebrate the Feminine. This is essential stuff for any man who wants great women, because if you keep making the same mistakes most guys make, not only will you never get women, you’ll just keep pissing them off and wondering what others guys know that you don’t. Celebrating the Feminine is the key to unlocking the world of female sexuality. Once you learn this, you make your dreams come true. You get: * The mistake most men make that turns them into a wussy and how to fix it every time * The secret of “teasing” that all children know and you can apply now to keep her turned on * Why cocky and funny does not work and what to do instead.Captain Jack - Sexual Framing Master Course
Women are starving. I'm sitting in the bookstore right now and the Cafe points directly to the Sex, Relationships and Romance Novel section. There is an absolute STREAM of women going over there. Those sections are NEVER empty. Why? Women are literally starving for the male-female sexual dynamic. Now, that's not the word they use for it. They call it 'Romance.' But, most men cringe and think of Romance as flowers, expensive candlelight dinners, chocolates and kissing her ass. It's not that at all! And, women know that. Have you ever READ a romance novel? They are filled with sexual tension, secret sex liasions, forbidden pleasures... I made my way through half of one and I swear nearly every character had sex with every other character by the midway point. I stopped reading.. I got it. Romance=male-female sexual tension. Not that other shit we've been trained to think. Romance can occur anywhere. A bookstore, a sidewalk, an expensive restaurant... wherever. It's not the environment, it's the tension. And, there's no better way to create that male-female sexual tension than with Sexual Framing. Mastering Sexual Framing will give you the absolute power to have sex pretty much whenever you want it. (It has NOTHING to do with dirty talk or being a creepy horny guy...) It decomplicates things... Do you feel pick-up is hard or draining or complicated or takes too much time? Sexual Framing makes it easy. While I've talked about it on my blog and a little in my eClass it is something that requires a little more delving into. Framing is derived from NLP and relies heavily on Presuppositions. It's a little tricky to learn but once you get it you will look so smooth people will think you've been good with women all your life. And, the women? Well, they will be so relieved, so glad, so HAPPY that they've met a guy who REALLY GETS IT they will do pretty much anything you want. I've decided to do a 4 week teleconference course on Sexual Framing. One call each week and it will be about 60-90 minutes. You'll be able to ask questions and interact directly with me and the other PUAs on the line. You'll have missions and exercises to drill this into your behavior and speech.Captain Jack - Get a Girlfriend Teleseminar ( Call 1 Call 2 Call 3)
How to Get More Girlfriends, FuckBuddies or mLTRs Than Your Poor Little Body Can Handle! Dear PUA, Did you know there is something you should NEVER do within the first 30 minutes of meeting a girl if you have any desire at all to make her your girlfriend, fuck buddy or mLTR? (Or, at the very least, if you want to keep those options on the table.) Ninety-Five of all guys do this, even in "The Community." I'm going to tell you a little more about that and the real reason girls like "bad boys" in this post. I'll also discuss what I consider one of true "missing ingredients" to success in getting good. But, first, I want you to do something. Get out your cell phone and text this to the women you are Gaming: "Hey sexy, we should hang out soon... I'm starting to forget what you look like." Do it now... I'll wait... You may have already seen this on my blog. It got great responses from my readers (maybe you were one of them). A few of them went on to have dates, make out with girls, have sex with them and so forth. Do you know why it works so well? It's based on a marketing psychology principle called "Loss Aversion." You see, that text message tells her that she already has a certain favorable status in your mind. Further, it tells her in a very simple, non-needy and non-irritating way, "You're about to lose something!" But, not only that, you've told her how to keep it! (..."we should hang out soon..."). Let's say her desire to go out with you before that little nifty text message was at 12%. The psych guys suppose that this little tactic will probably triple that, maybe even quadruple it. All that PSYCHOLOGY in a little 15 word text message. I got the idea for this text while reading a psychology/marketing journal for a client. The authors said that a pile of studies have shown that a person is many times MORE LIKELY to take action to save something they already have than to get something they don't. Interesting, huh? You know how it seems like girls like "bad boys." Well, there are a FEW reasons why this is true but one of the more little known was recently revealed in a scene in a popular movie. Imagine this... A little four year old girl is on the playground having a great time. She is going on the slide, playing on the monkey bars and having a blast. While she's in line, Johnny, a snot-nosed punk kid (also 4 years old) pushes her down, calls her a name and steals her turn on the slide. Naturally, she runs crying to her mother, who says, "Honey, Johnny is just being mean and calling you names... Because He Likes You!" So, at a mere 4 years old, in a moment of extreme duress she gets it implanted by THE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY FIGURE in her little world that "bad boys" actually LIKE her! Now, there are two other reasons BUT this IS a major one and it, all by itself, is enough to do the trick. You may recall a few weeks ago I posted a survey link on my blog about "How to Get a Girlfriend." Here's why I did the survey: When I first posted the info about the Sexual Framing Teleseminar I had a few guys email me and ask about getting a girlfriend. Now, my own personal method for getting a girlfriend is real simple. I do my normal thing of going for a Same Night Lay. Then, I'll just continue to suck up more and more of her time and continue framing what we're doing (ever so subtly) as a relationship until it's pretty much an unspoken assumption that we're together. That's how I got the 28 Year Old ER Nurse who ALSO owned over a million dollars of real estate and a sex drive bigger and longer than the Great Wall of China. I literally started pumping iron again, just so I could last through the hurricane onslaught of her sex drive! (P.S. She paid for everything the entire time we went out!) It's how I got the "girl next door" (with DD boobies) in Law School at Baylor University. And, the Pediatric Nurse who a few people said looked like a Latin Angelina Jolie. (hmm... I'm noticing a "Rich Latina Nurse" trend here...) One of the coolest things about having a constant stable of fuck buddies was I could satisfy my sexual urge with the physical type I wanted. Feeling like Really Big boobs? Call the Law School chick. Elegant Brunnette who ALWAYS dressed impeccably and wore more jewelry than a rapper? Call the Real Estate Chick. A California blonde who could've easily starred in a Rock video? I could go on, but I think you get the point. (But, unless you are already a master at Same-Night-Lays, I don't recommend it's how YOU get a girlfriend.) However, I realize... You may not want to go through all the blood, sweat and tears to become a Top 5 PUA and spend years perfecting my system for getting girls to have sex with you the same night. Nope... Most of you guys just want to have a predictable, reliable system for getting and keeping a quality girlfriend, some fuck buddys or mLTRs without going off the ‘Deep End' like Dear Ol' Captain Jack! Ok, cool. I get that. But, I had to make sure that the stuff you were having trouble with, the questions you had and your struggles were all something I could really, really help you with. After reading your comments and talking to several of you via email and phone for clarification and more details, I know I can. The people who listen to me and apply the things I tell them get results. The Sexual Framing Seminar had 23 guys in total... so far, there have been OVER 10 new lays by the guys in that Teleseminar. (And, we aren't done yet!) So, I've decided to do a teleconference course on getting a girlfriend, fuck buddies and/or mLTRs. My goal is to put a System in place that provides you multiple streams of the kind of girls you want so you have a few to choose from at any given time. One of the true "missing ingredients" of success in the Community is lack of Scale. Quite simply, the way most pick-up systems are set up they can't be scaled. If you set up a system that works and gives you 2 possibilities for success per week and then you repeat that system 20 times and AUTOMATE it, you'll now have 40 possibilities per week... for the same investment of time and energy! If you follow instructions, you should have the system set up in about 28 days. After that, you should be able to choose a girl and get her completely hooked within another 2-3 weeks. Of course, it will probably happen a lot quicker than that. This means that you'd never spend more than a couple weeks of your life (probably less) without a girlfriend. I'll also cover how to have multiple FBs and mLTRs, too, without all the drama and bullshit that usually accompanies those types of scenarios. The course will be 4 calls (one call each week) along with a guidebook. Most of the calls will run about an hour to an hour-and-a-half. (However, the 2nd Sexual Framing Call went for over 2.5 hours so you never know.) You'll have "homework" and you'll get all the feedback via email you want. I'm ALSO giving you a 40 minute private one-on-one call for use any time after the course is over. (In case you run into a challenging special situation or something.) Here's just a little bit of what I'm going to cover... - How to Discover Her "Unconscious Boyfriend Sequence" and Use it as a Roadmap to her Heart... (Most women have a Template of HOW this type of thing should happen... by discovering it you can give her exactly what she wants in the way she wants it... She'll be completely ecstatic and SO HAPPY you've found her.) - The Quickest Possible Way to Screen Her as LTR Material - How to Get Her to Think About You Non-Stop - How to Design Your Life So The Highest Quality Women You Want Constantly Stream Through It As You Are Just Going About Your Business - How I'd Go About Getting a Hot Girlfriend in 28 Days If I Absolutely SUCKED at Same Night Lays... and I'd Literally Get Beheaded If I Failed! - How to Get Your Female Friends to Set You Up With Their Hot Female Friends With the Highest Possible Endorsement ("He's so hot AND he's a catch!") - The Role of Web2.0 in Getting a Girlfriend. - How to Break Out of the Friend Zone (much easier than everybody thinks.) - A Simple Technique for Discovering The Skeletons In Her Closet! - What You Should NEVER do on a date. (95% of guys do this... and, it has nothing to do with paying or not paying. It's something much more fundamental.) - Why Women Lose Interest... how you can prevent it and get it back if you've lost it.Captain Jack - Crushing through mental barriers
Sticking Point Analysis gives you a systematic, methodical way to incrementally increase your Game. It starts at the level of behavior and works backwards. But, there is another approach that I think is even more powerful. I give it credit for the paradigm shifts in my Game. The problem is… I don’t know how to describe it to you. I don’t know how to put it in a blog post. It revolves around the use of language and how our past dictates what behaviors we can even SEE as possibilities. In every single moment you have infinite choice. What causes you to go down the same path? What causes you to choose the words and actions you do? Why do PUAs consistently miss the BLARING interest signals of the HBs they talk to? Why do some people “get it” and their Game takes off like a rocket, while others languish for years? I GUARANTEE you have never heard or seen anything like this in The Community. I consider it to be 1000x more important than Sticking point Analysis or Sexual Framing. Here’s what someone emailed me recently after hearing my 2 hour presentation and discussion with other PUAs on a Teleseminar about this methodology. Just wanted to let you know I just finished listening to the audio and I am 100% sure that was the most important 2 hours of my life. No exaggeration. That was not at all what I was expecting to start off with and am very very happy. I took 9 pages of notes over the 2 hours. I cannot believe all the “dating science” people do not make you start out with this subject OR JUST IGNORE IT. This is really the first I have heard about it and I consider myself well read on “dating science”. I would almost bet that you get excited when you find a new racket to crush. I am on a ton of antidepressants about my wife leaving in October and have been pushing it back in my mind (unseen/unspoken) as much as possible but am excited about doing the exercises and getting it out into the open! I know it will help a ton. I almost don’t want to go out tomorrow night to bars/clubs and just do the exercises! I just wish I would have discovered this sooner. If I would have had this before bootcamp. wow. Thank you. I can’t wait for the rest. I am sure I have a ton of rackets and can’t wait to crush them. I am very excited about the generative statements exercise. I consider myself the typical “tall dark and handsome guy”, 26 years old, have a powerful respectable job, have ambitions, and decently social. I am NOT getting laid at ALL! Barely kissing girls in bars… That is some shit I am going to have to crush. I know now that this path I am taking is going to get me to where I want to be. I know I have all the skills to be with the hottest girls just if I apply myself. Thanks so much. I have never thought like this at all. It kind of feels like the Matrix. Thanks again! What if you had a way to discover the patterns that have been invisibly holding you back, bring them to light, examine them and then crush them? With each pattern that is crushed you will find yourself spontaneously moving in the right direction… becoming aware of new possibilities and being FREE to move into those directions. This is NOT standard self-help stuff either. You won’t find it in any self-help book. Nor is it New Age mumbo-jumbo.Captain Jack - The Master Strategies Monthly Teleconferences #1 to #8
Introducing... The Master Strategies Monthly Teleconferences - Would you like to hear more of my thoughts and ideas on Game? There is only so much I can do in writing. Especially in a blog because it is difficult to really flesh out, develop and expound ideas in such a small space. But, with an hour of talking or 8-12 pages of writing I could do A LOT. Here’s the plan… I am going to do a monthly conference call. Each call will last 90 minutes. The first sixty of those minutes will be me discussing, dissecting and really fleshing out how you can make this whole Gaming thing easier, funner and more effective. It’s pretty safe to say that no one has the same perspective and ideas about this stuff as I do.Captain Jack - Force*21
I have created a program to help you crack the back of your most persistent sticking points. It is called Force*21 and it has the potential to spring you to the next level in a mere 21 days. Force*21 Is not a bunch of theory. It is not a bunch of rehashed techniques. It is the application of my newest technology to YOUR Game with me as a guide. It will crack the back of your most persistent sticking points and spring you to the next level. I want you to have my new technology. Pick-up for me is so easy now, I seriously doubt very many have reached this level in history. I don’t say this lightly… or, to brag. I have studied the works of the famed Casanova and others so I know what I am measuring up against. Again, not bragging here… I just want to get this across to you… there is no reason for you to suffer. The strides I have made in these last few months, starting with the Game Dynamics and the discovery of the true definition of Alpha will turn out a new batch of world-class PUAs. You have to remember, no one was talking about Same Night Lays and Sexual Framing with any real reproducible tech behind it before me. Most thought it was impossible and when it did happen they thought it was fool’s mate… until we started teaching men to get them on a regular basis. The Force21 program is a concentrated 21-day push to get you to the next level. When you sign up you’ll get the following as background material: 1. MSM Audio: The Only Real and Workable Definition of Alpha 2. MSM Audio: Game Dynamics 3. Framing Mastery Call #2: Sexual Framing Mastery 4. Videos: Sticking Point Analysis Videos 5. 3 Week Audio This material goes in descending “Area of Control” so you are applying force against the current reality within each band of influence. Applying it this way makes you more congruent and powerful in all your actions. This information allows you to strike at the point of greatest leverage and produce REAL and LASTING change, without all the struggle and frustration.Captain Jack - Adventures
Those of you who know my story know that I found Pick-up while going through a divorce. I had been doing the ‘coporate thing’ and the ‘family man’ thing for about 6 years. I think I was patterning my life after my Grandfather. Then, I got insanely bored with the corporate life and cut ties with it… about the same time I got tired of that woman in my house who kept telling me to do shit like take out the trash and come to bed and blah, blah, blah. So, when I got my freedom I decided I wanted some Adventure! To me that meant making money in a way that would also allow me the leisure time to enjoy it. To be at the pool, to read great books, to travel a bit and of course… … TO KISS AS MANY PRETTY GIRLS AS I POSSIBLY COULD… Shortly thereafter I fond myself in a hot Native American’s car (she had hair down to her ‘brazilian-like’ ass) going about 100 mph racing to a pool party. Before I could say, “Nice house” everyone had stripped naked and hopped in the pool. Now, you gotta picture this… I’m a computer scientist turned copywriter… newly divorced… was just a couple years outside the stuffy environment at IBM and Sabre Corp… and here I am standing fully clothed while 2 chicks and a dude (I met all of them that night) were hopping around and splashing naked in the water. What did I do? First I thought: If I get naked, then these strangers are going to see my penis. Then, I thought… Holy shit… those girls have AWESOME TITS! My last thought was: Keep a 6 foot distance from the naked guy at all times. Right after, I stripped off my clothes and dove in. I had sex with the hot Native American and had trouble NOT cumming instantly when her friend was standing there saying stuff like ‘Are you fucking her hard?’ and various other shit. That’s adventure! But, you gotta be willing to roll with it, you know? And, even better, you gotta be willing to create it. The world is starved for adventure. If you look at the type of stuff people consume, the stuff they read and pay for, it is almost all about having unique experiences, adventures of some sort. Women read ‘Romance’ novels which are nothing more than softcore porn stories. People watch all these movies that take them on adventures because they are having NONE of their own. So, let’s have some adventures! You have to look at yourself as the guy who is going to give her an experience. Sexual adventures are the best kind. She’s bored as shit!!! You have to look at yourself as the guy that is going to spice things up for her. You want her talking about you and her experience for days, weeks, and months afterwards. Did you know girls have a checklist of ways and places they want to have sex in? If it’s forbidden, if there’s a risk of getting caught, if she can brag to her friends about it then she wants to do it. And, I want YOU to be the guy that helps her (and others) do all that. So, here’s the deal: I’m going to hold ‘The Adventure Course’ — it’s 4 week audio and email coaching program. We’re going to leverage what we know about Game Dynamics (including my new never before published stuff) to get you rolling in using Game Dynamics and Sexual Framing to have adventures. We’ll start off with a few background audios so if you’re new to Game Dynamics and Sexual Framing you’ll have the background material to get you up to speed.Captain Jack - Conversational Blueprints
Captain Jack’s Definitive Guide to Get a Beautiful Girlfriend
Captain Jack - Summer of Game!
There are ways to 2x, 3x and even 5x the amount of beautiful women flowing into your life. There are ways to get WOMEN to bring you other hot, available women.Imagine how EASY things would be if the girl had already heard amazing things about you.... how hard would you have to "try"? There are ways to create smooth conversations that get women intensely interested in you romantically... without resorting to silly or devious and unethical tactics. I can teach you all of them. In fact, I can teach you everything I know so you can truly dominate this area of your life. With this technology there really is NO REASON you shouldn't easily and enjoyably have total power and choice in the area of women. It's really silly to struggle around, flop around, scour the internet for some "secret" tip or trick or magic statement that will handle this for you... when you can easily, methodically and enjoyably get it done. I've taught hundreds - including many who went on to become top dating experts. You'll find a lot of my information has made it into the standard dating advice "curriculum" although the fundamentals are missing and, not believing how simple and easy it can be, they've altered it and made it unnecessarily complex. Here's the deal... Each week, for the next 6 weeks, I am going to release the theory and related exercises via audio and some video (where that makes sense). Each of these modules will work on a facet of YOU so that you can easily and naturally do this... instead of working hard at it. Then, after you've had a few days to practice it, I'm going to do a Q&A call so you can get things ironed out before moving on to the next module. This will be intense work on Inner Game, Outer Game and Lifestyle. We'll go deep into how to really bond with women, to speak their real language and set things up so you can KEEP her if you want to make her your girlfriend for the long-term.All of this can be fun, enjoyable and awesome! I will not sell any of these modules individually. I MIGHT sell it to the public after it is all done. However, the way to get the most out of the program is to be involved with it to begin with... to ask and get answers... to follow the flow of the program and get feedback as you are implementing the concepts.
* The Other Captain Jack Collection Seduction Materials is Here :
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