Stylelife - Total Life Makeover Download
Style's Total Life Makeover Package
How to Become the Confident, Attractive and Entertaining Man That Women Want in 1 Week
”Never be the sidekick again, never get stuck in the friend zone"
Dear Stylelife reader,
If you have ever felt that if you were funnier or more confident, then girls would find you more attractive, then reading this page will change your life forever.
You already know that "attraction" is a skill you can learn, and you have already started to improve. Maybe you learned some openers or routines. However, true attraction is NOT in the material! It's in the presence of the person using the material.
So ... if you are on your journey to become a master PUA or you just want to perfect your game skills, this package is giving you the chance to transform into a version of yourself who comes across as stunningly confident with his voice and body language, who is entertaining and interesting in his conversations.
To teach you these "invisible" super powers, I invited some of the world's most respected experts to share their secrets. You will learn how to be: suave, fit, witty, funny, stylish, financially sound, and engaging without becoming someone you are not (or using canned material).
Here is the one equation that women worldwide crave for that :
How can you learn from these experts? If they offered it, you'd probably pay upwards of $300/hour for coaching. Style brought them together at a conference that cost $3,800 to attend. But, we've put together a special price for the DVD set featuring them. Order now, and we'll ship them out right away, but we're expecting to run out in the next 24 hours. Also, as with every Stylelife product, you can be assured of your satisfaction, and there's a no questions asked, unconditional, money back guarantee on all of our products.
And here is the all-star line-up of teachers that will help you transform in 1 week or less:
Make Your Voice Confident And Attractive
With Style's Personal Voice Coach Arthur Joseph
- Learn one simple voice tip that will make a group pay attention to your words
- Hear your voice the way others hear it
- How changing the way you stand makes your voice sound more confident
- Simple constructions you can delete from your vocabulary to make your speech powerful
- Learn how to harness the secret fuel to make your voice vibrant and energetic
What Every Man Ought to Know About Fashion
From Project Runway Winning Designer Jeffery Sebelia
- The simple secret of the fashion POP!
- How to demonstrate authority over a woman's world through fashion
- A break down of several fashion do-nots and how to overcome them
- Why dressing TRIBAL attracts multiple types of women
- A quick guide to shopping the right way on a budget
- Ways to develop your LOOK to turn heads
How to Be Spontaneously Hilarious
Learn the Art of Improv from this Professional Comedian of the Upright Citizens Brigade, whose TV Credits Include Reno 911
- The secret verbal equation for keeping a conversation moving... "Yes, and..."
- How to complement your wingman through humor and personality
- A simple method for crafting interesting stories on the spot!
- How to recover from any conversational mistake while still staying humorous and confident
Learn The Essential Secrets of Entrepreneurship
With Cameron Johnson the author of "15-Year-Old-CEO" and "You Call the Shots: Succeed Your Way"
- Why your unique ability is the ultimate way to achieve financial success
- Cameron started his successful business at 9 years old he reveals how anyone can do it
- Why asking for forgiveness always gets you further than asking for permission
Achieve The Body Women Dream About
With Advice from Mike O'Hearn, Four Time Mr. Natural Universe
- The difference between a fitness chump and a fitness champ mentality
- How to "man up" for success and the secret to eliminating doubt
- Why diet matters more than working out
- The 6 meals per day plan secret that beats the Atkins diet
More Seduction Materials From StyleLife ( Neil Strauss)
Stylelife (Neil Strauss) – Three Pillars Of Seductions
Stylelife – Attraction Mastermind Group
Stylelife – Attraction Super Pack I | Stylelife – Attraction Super Pack II
StyleLife Academy – Style’s Attraction and Seduction System
StyleLife Academy 2014 by Neil Strauss
StyleLife Seduction Routines Collection : StyleLife Rules of The Game
Stylelife – The Black Discs – Wingman Magazine Month 1 to Month 12 Complete
31 Day Master Program by Neil Strauss – StyleLife : Online Academy for Attraction
Master the Game Pack by Stylelife Academy
Most Interesting Guy In The Room Package by StileLife Academy ( Neil Strauss )
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